Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Peaks and Valleys

It has been TWO weeks since my last post and a LOT has happened. Well maybe not a whole lot but some significant changes.

One - I took my first round of blood last week.. it has been on my mind since the minute I walked out of Quest Diagnostic.
Two - I have been a bit achy.. my fingers the most and the usual wrists and ankles for sure but my hands will throb and I feel like I can't really make a full fist.  It does come and go and honestly I can take this pain with the help of an anti-inflammatory or Tramadol if needed.
Three - I finally got my results back today.  And they look GREAT to me! I am still waiting to talk to my doctor, I am sure I will hear from him tonight via email however my Creatine Kinase (what can show inflammation) has risen a bit from 21U/L to 24 U/L - the norm is 29-143.  Obviously I'd want to be mid range but honestly, I am just happy to be somewhat closer to NORMAL numbers.  The shocker of all shockers was my WBC.  Since tapering off my meds they completely shot up.  I was once at 2.0 thous/mcL, my last read was 2.6 and weeks later since getting to 6 tablets a week - I am at 3.4! The normal range is 3.8-10.8 so I am SO HAPPY.  My liver levels look great and my C3 and C4 are all in range.  ALL IS WELL.  My doctor actually emailed me: "Hello Jacki--your labs were good--almost entirely normal."  Could you believe it?! ALMOST ENTIRELY NORMAL! Ugh music to my ears ❤

I titled this blog Peaks and Valleys for a reason.  When I was younger I had read a book my father picked up for me titled Peaks and Valleys.  It basically discussed the ups and downs of life and it really did put things into perspective for me.  Life isn't always great and shit happens and sometimes you are in the Valley.  Who knows how long you'll be there.. hopefully not long but it's okay because eventually you will be in the Peak again! This week has been a good week so far.  My girlfriends threw me a beautiful surprise bridal shower two days ago.  Yesterday, my fiance had his last successful operation on his leg which went really good, god willing and today I got the best blood results! I hope this Peak remains a bit longer since my 32nd birthday is 4 days a way! KNOCK ON WOOD!  Lets keep the Peak rollin!

I have one more week taking the 4 tablets and next Tuesday is the doozy. Going to just TWO pills till we stop ALTOGETHER.  I feel like it's so wild but I am so excited to just be off of it completely.  I found a new yoga place by my house and this yoga class is a bit longer but it was so awesome I am going to keep trying to make it there every Sunday and just keep this momentum going.  I decided to spend the extra money in massages and do things that make me happy, like booking a trip or buying that pair of shoes I wanted. I of course want to be physically healthier but mentally healthier too and every small change will help me get there.  I just know it.  Till next week!! XOXO

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