Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Six Tablets and Sugar is the Devil

So this blog will be broken into two updates.  One, I had emailed my doctor on Monday morning and happy to see the man replied back to me Monday afternoon.  I can't stress enough how happy it makes me that I have this type of communication with my physician. No middle man secretary, straight from the horse's mouth. You know, I have used that phrase before and yet have no clue where it stems from.  This is a reason for the google.. please hold... Ah. It is a 20th century phrase: 
In horse racing circles tips on which horse is a likely winner circulate amongst punters. The most trusted authorities are considered to be those in closest touch with the recent form of the horse, that is, stable lads, trainers etc. The notional 'from the horse's mouth' is supposed to indicate one step better than even that inner circle, that is, the horse itself.
Well would ya look at that.  Learn something new everyday. Well anywho - I did explain to my doc that I feel good on the 8 and I am not sure if I should take blood now or since I feel good go right into 6 tablets this Tuesday.  He gave the green light for the 6 tablets.  Take them for two weeks and go get blood.  This is good for two reasons, one: although I have insurance, I will still pay partly for a blood workup and sometimes this is over $200.00 a pop.  Therefore, the less blood work the better.  Two: It means that I am progressing nicely which is what I had hoped for.

Feeling wise? I am tired. But this week had pretty shitty weather and I am okay in the inflammation area.  Just my left knee again, there's a little bit of pain there. The ankles and the wrists feel good but like I had said in my last blog, it will take a couple of days to really feel the effects of taking less tablets. Hopefully by the weekend I will feel good and reassured that I am tapering nicely. 

On another note, I had serious hypochondria last night. Which goes into the second part of my blog title. So anyone who knows me knows I have a sweet tooth.  My parents house was a house where Twizzlers, mini powdered donuts, and ice cream are staple items like milk and eggs.  And lets be honest, yes I could have had the will power to avoid them but I didn't because they are DELICIOUS and some how me and my entire family stayed thin so whats the harm in having some yummy treats?  BUT when I moved out with my fiance - he doesn't really have a sweet tooth.  He will indulge in cake or cookies but he doesn't really crave it however if it's there he will eat it.  Which means he would ask me to stop getting it because before we knew it - he ate the majority of it.  We also used to have Italian bread regularly with meals however I'd say about 8 months ago we kind of changed our style of eating.  No more bread, unless it's sliced 40 calorie whole grain.  Only whole grain or gluten free pasta and brown rice.  We do not have anything other than water and coffee in the house and our eggs and milk are organic.  BUT on the weekends we do get cookies or bake brownies or something yummy and I think sometimes that's okay. However, last night after my craving kicked in I started to research sugar cravings and came across a billion blogs of people who cut sugar out of their diet and said how much better they feel. Sugar makes you tired, it makes you fatter, it can cause cancer, and above all INFLAMMATION.  I got myself so crazy I have decided today is the day - I am cutting sugar as much as possible.  I will occasionally have wine but I will try to have more red than white since there's less sugar.  I have a double shot of espresso every morning and usually with two packets of raw sugar.  Today I just had one stevia and it wasn't terrible but tomorrow I am going to try to have nothing but the espresso. Eventually I should get used to it. Essentially caffeine is not great for inflammation either but I will be sleeping at my desk without it. 

And look, don't get me wrong, I will have sugar here and there when it comes to holidays or birthdays or even if we go out to a nice restaurant and we want dessert.  However, in my everyday life - I am going to remove it.  No more croissants or brownies every weekend.  If I do decide for a treat, there are tons of recipes that are sugar free and it should do the trick of calming a craving.  Also, I will still allow myself to have fruit.  Fruit is delicious and I love berries so that will be my "go to fruit". Everything in moderation!! One blog I read the woman said she had ice cream every night. EVERY NIGHT.  And if she can do it - so can I. GAME ON. 

We will see how this goes and if you are down with getting rid of sugar in your diet, Join me! Lord knows I'd do better with a friend!!  #SUGARFREECHALLENGEBIATCHHHHH !! 

Speak to you next week! 

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